Monday 27 June 2011

There are no hints on QE3 but

There are no hints on QE3 but Fed may buy US$ 300 Billion in Treasuries after QE2. This is half the size of QE2. If this is the case

·         Do we need QE3?

·         Where is the money coming from?

·         Would this keep Fed funds rate low?

·         How does this affect quarterly (US) GDP data?

·         What effect does this have on unemployment figures?

·         Would it add on to inflationary concerns globally?

I found this article very appropriate. It got published in Bloomberg, dated 20110627. To follow the article, click here. I suggest you take notes of these events and compile them for your analysis or speculating future market trends.

On a separate issue, we bloggers post what comes to our minds. For a change, I would like to hear from you what you want to read. Your preference could be

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